Tuesday, December 16, 2008

And the winner is...

(Emailed to me from Jeffrey Overstreet)
Hey, designers, you might enjoy this.

The 2008 IMP Awards

It’s a gallery of the year’s movie posters. If you have time to browse, I’d love to hear which posters impress you most.

NOTE: Jeffrey Overstreet has just recently updated his website. You can connect with Jeff at LookingCloser.org

Friday, December 12, 2008

Film Friday - Breadstick

Make your own typeface!

This site offers a way to make your own typeface by writing each letter on a template then scanning it and uploading it. I'm most curious to see how wacked the kerning turns out. It'll be fun to try though!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

About a blog

I had nothing to do with any design on the blog I'm blogging about, but there's a lot of great stuff on it! Good resource.

Above is an example of the cool kind of stuff on the Graphic Exchange blog.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Transportation and Signage

Check out "The (Mostly) True Story of Helvetica and the New York City Subway"

I came across this article on the evolution of signage/info design in the subway system, etc. and immediately thought of the 09 orientation theme as it's been discussed. The article itself is a bit long for anyone with attention disorders like myself, but may be useful in further discussions/brainstorming. Cheers!

I believe in...

During my meeting this morning with photographer John Keatley, he dropped the name of a blog that he has been following for awhile. John has been focusing on commercial work for the past year and has been using I Believe in Advertising as a constant source for inspiration and great tool to help evaluate trends in the commercial industry. I hope we will be able to find it as useful as he has found it.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I found this image pool on flickr, hope it inspires something for the new orientation theme...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Kingdom and the Gospel

I can't help but post this on our blog. If you can't tell, I've been inspired by the brand new University Ministry campaign. I've had so much fun working on these illustrations. My goal was to present the vast openness of space as the metaphor for the kingdom, and the familiarity of our planet as the metaphor for the gospel. My hope is to visually communicate UM's vision in connecting these two significant components of our faith. Together, we want to emphasize this beautiful union.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Justin's Trippy Transparencies

I came into work today to find a few images had been left on my workstation desktop-and it turns out they happen to be genius works of art by none other than the Justin Rusk. Brilliant work, schoolmate.